CST appoints process integration specialist

Appointment of Antonio Samarelli will add extensive fabrication and process integration capability
CST Global. a UK-based III-V foundry has appointed Antonio Samarelli as senior process integration engineer. Antonio is actively involved in the development of new, integrated photonics and compound semiconductor devices.
Andrew McKee, technical director at CST Global, said, "Antonio is a pioneer of integrated silicon photonics. We have already worked with Antonio when he was a researcher at the University of Glasgow. Antonio's appointment increases our research and design capacity whilst also adding extensive fabrication and process integration capability."
Samarelli holds a BA in electronics and telecommunications and a master's degree in engineering optoelectronic xystems, both from the Politecnico di Bari, Italy. He then moved to the University of Glasgow for his PhD, working on the EU-funded, SPLASH project which developed silicon-on-insulator devices for optical communication systems.
During this period Samarelli developed and optmised basic building blocks and their integration to create more complex, photonic telecommunication networks. Some of these results still represent the state-of-the-art in the current photonic technology.
Samarelliremained at the University of Glasgow as a Research Associate, working on further EU-funded projects. Firstly GREENSi, developing integrated thermoelectric materials and devices for energy harvesting systems, then GEMINI focusing on the development of germanium plasmonic antennas for mid-infrared sensing. The latter is used in low-cost sensing devices for environmental, healthcare and security monitoring applications.
Samarelliwas also a Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow working on Quantum Technology systems.
Before joining CST Global, Samarelli worked for Kelvin Nanotechnology as project manager, producing devices and systems for both industrial and academic partners.