VPEC chooses LayTec tool for VCSEL line

VCSEL add-on to EpiTT and EpiCurve TT enables high-yield manufacturing of complex multi-layer device structures
LayTec has announced that Visual Photonics Epitaxy (VPEC) of Taiwan has chosen LayTec's advanced in-situ metrology products for its VCSEL production.
Supporting the demand for VCSEL chips for 3D sensing and other rapidly growing applications, LayTec's dedicated VCSEL Add-On to EpiTT and EpiCurve TT provides additional in-situ spectral reflectance sensing and can be customised in wavelength range for GaAs based and InP based NIR / IR VCSEL processes. It enables high-yield manufacturing of these very complex multi-layer device structures, according to the company.
The LayTec VCSEL Add-On is also available as an upgrade to existing EpiTT or EpiCurve TT systems. Equipped with advanced real-time analysis algorithms it monitors DBR stop-bands and cavity dip position during VCSEL epitaxy in addition to EpiTT's wafer temperature and growth rate, as well as EpiCurve TT's wafer bow measurements.
Neil Chen, VPEC's president office SVP said: "VPEC has chosen LayTec's market leading in-situ process technology for VCSEL wafer manufacturing as an essential part for accomplishing our high standards in quality and yield. Combining existing control of wafer temperature, wafer bow and growth rates with the new spectral monitoring capabilities is a key for VCSEL foundries in terms of process transfer, rapid recipe changes and scaling up."
Volker Blank, LayTec's director of marketing and sales said: "LayTec is honoured that the globally leading GaAs foundry VPEC, with its high standard in manufacturing of VCSEL wafers for 3D sensing, automotive and other application, chooses LayTec's advanced inspection systems to deliver highest quality. Tight process control is here the key to success."
VPEC specialises in optoelectronics, microelectronic engineering, chemistry, and material science, producing HBT, PHEMT, BiHEMT PD, LD, VCSEL and solar cell epi wafer using MOCVD technology.