CST Global shortlisted for Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards

Company is nominated for its long term partnership with the University of Glasgow
CST Global has been shortlisted in the Powerful Partnerships category of the Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards 2019.
The Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards recognise effective, collaborative projects between academia and business. There are six award categories, each with three, shortlisted finalists, drawn from projects involving eight Scottish universities and more than 50 industrial partners.
“Many of the business and academic collaborations shortlisted in the Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards will have a major impact on the economy and society,” explained Neil Martin, CEO at CST Global. “We are honoured to be shortlisted in the Powerful Partnerships category, resulting from our long-term, knowledge exchange partnership with the University of Glasgow, spearheaded by Tony Kelly.
“Our partnership began in 2011 and has resulted in two Knowledge Transfer Partnerships with industrial PhD scholarships. These have helped CST Global develop new product lines in the telecommunication and data-communication markets and made a significant contribution to our revenue generation, as well as helping to facilitate our expansion into Asian markets.”
The winners will be announced at the Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards on Thursday 21st February.
The other Knowledge Exchange Awards categories include ‘Innovation of the Year’ for an innovative product, process or service; ‘Making a Difference’, for a project with significant social or environmental impact; ‘Knowledge Exchange Champion of the Year’, recognising an outstanding contribution to the promotion of knowledge exchange within Scotland; ‘Rising star of the Year’, for a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) recognising an outstanding student in further, higher or Postgraduate education; and finally the ‘Multi-party Collaboration’, for groups and consortia working on innovative research projects.
The judging panel is made up of representatives from; Scottish Funding Council, Entrepreneurial Scotland, College Development Network, Zero Waste Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Government, Knowledge Transfer Network and the Interface Strategic Board, with sponsorship partners Marks & Clerk, Royal Bank of Scotland and Business Insider.