Xiaomi chooses Navitas GaN chips for phone charger

GaNFast technology adopted for Chinese investor's flagship Mi 10 PRO smartphone
Navitas Semiconductor has announced that its GaNFast charging technology had been adopted by Xiaomi for the flagship Mi 10 PRO smartphone. It now takes only 45 minutes to charge the Mi 10 PRO from 0 to 100 percent.
Xiaomi’s 65W GaN charger uses Navitas’ NV6115 and NV6117 GaNFast power ICs which are optimised for high-frequency, soft-switching topologies. Monolithic integration of FETs, drivers and logic delivers a small, fast, 'digital-in, power-out' power conversion module. Using GaNFast, Xiaomi’s 65W GaN charger is only 56.3 x 30.8 x 30.8 mm (53 cc) which is half the size of standard adapters.
“GaN as a new semiconductor material has brought unimaginable effects to the charger,” said Jun Lei, Xiaomi chairman and CEO. “It enables the charger to become extremely small and the charging efficiency extremely high. The 65W GaN charger is only half the size of the 65W traditional charger that comes as standard with our Xiaomi 10 PRO.”
Xiaomi invested earlier in Navitas Semiconductor to lay the groundwork for this cooperation, which has also enabled Navitas Semiconductor to broaden its sales channels.
Gene Sheridan, CEO of Navitas Semiconductor, said: “I am very pleased to see Xiaomi’s open attitude towards new materials and new technologies. From the start, Navitas has focused on the technology application and innovation of GaN materials. GaNFast power ICs are monolithic integration of FET, drive and logic and achieve extremely small application size and high efficiency. For manufacturers who want to lead with technology, GaNFast enables high performance and drives product differentiation!”
Yingjie Zha, general manager of Navitas Semiconductor China, said: “The battery capacity of smartphones, tablets and laptops increasing, while consumers are eager to have a faster-charging experience. GaNFast technology has the advantages of small size, light weight and high efficiency, which makes it extremely attractive. GaNFast technology brings the industry a small, efficient charger that can quickly charge electronic products such as mobile phones and laptops. “