Chilas to debut hybrid InP/SiN lasers at EPIC

External cavity laser is a hybrid integration of both an InP gain section and SiN wavelength selective feedback PIC
Chilas, a developer of high-end semiconductor external cavity tunable lasers with ultra-narrow linewidth, will debut its latest products during a European Photonic Industry Consortium (EPIC) product launch event planned for 7 September 2021.
According to the company, Chilas lasers harvest the best of both InP and SiN worlds. The external cavity laser (ECL) is constructed by hybrid integration of both an InP gain section and SiN wavelength selective feedback PIC. The InP gain section provides high optical output power over a wide wavelength range while the SiN PIC provides low loss configurable feedback to the gain section.
Chilas describes its design approach as offering a combination of technologies including Ultra-narrow linewidths (< 5kHz) due to the High Q of the cavity, agile wavelength selection (> 100 nm) over the C-band, thanks to the configurable microring based Vernier filter in the SiN PIC, and high output power (>30 mW, 100 mW under development) provided by the InP gain section.
These characteristics make the Chilas laser a workhorse for a large variety of applications. The ultra-narrow linewidth and compact, robust character of the Chilas laser supports increasing the sensitivity of a metrology application designed to operate in harsh environments. The high optical power, ultranarrow linewidth (< 5 kHz), low RIN (<-155 dB/Hz) and low phase noise of the laser helps to future proof transceiver designs, meeting novel standards for small channel spacing while enabling advanced modulation methods (PAM, PSK,QAM, ..)
Chilas lasers can be used in a number of applications such as telecom and advanced optical sensing including fibre sensors and LiDAR.