News Article

Navitas powers NIO Phone


GaNFast technology charges Chinese EV vehicle maker's first smartphone

Navitas Semiconductor has announced that NIO, a Chinese EV vehicle maker, has released its first smartphone, the NIO Phone with a powerful 66W fast charger featuring Navitas' GaNFast power ICs equipped with GaNSense technology.

The NIO Phone is said to integrate seamlessly with smart EVs and NIO's in-car system. With one click, the driver can control over 30 functions, and equipped with ultra-wideband technology, it can replace traditional car keys.

Measuring 57 x 57 x 30 mm (97.5 cc), the NV6136 GaNFast power IC in a high-frequency quasi-resonant (HFQR) topology with loss-less current sensing and ultra-fast autonomous short-circuit protection, delivers power density of 1.03 W/cc.

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