News Article

Major order for Riber


Order for two MBE 6000 production machines comes from Asian industrial customer

MBE firm Riber has announced a major order for two MBE 6000 multi wafer production systems in Asia.

An Asian industrial customer ordered the machines to produce HEMT epiwafers for mobile communications. They will also be used to produce antimony-based optoelectronic components for RF and optoelectronic communication devices.

The MBE6000 system was selected for its high performance in producing superior quality semiconductor heterostructures layers, according to Riber. In addition, the ability to operate in automatic mode 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, combined with high reliability, and uninterrupted production rates of over ten months, will enable the customer to significantly increase its production capacity.

This new order will be delivered in 2024.

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