News Article

More CHIPS funding for GlobalWafers

$406 million funding award will support silicon, silicon-on-insulator, and SIC wafer fabrication

The US Department of Commerce has issued funding awards to GlobalWafers and its subsidiaries of up to $406 million under the CHIPS Incentives Program’s Funding Opportunity for Commercial Fabrication Facilities.

These investments will support silicon, silicon-on-insulator, and SIC wafer fabrication projects in the US with total capital expenditures of approximately $4 billion across Texas and Missouri, helping to strengthen the domestic supply chain for key semiconductor components.

While the funding will in the main support advanced high-volume 300mm silicon wafer fabrication; the facility in Missouri will serve as a key production site for 300mm silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers; and as part of award terms, GlobalWafers has agreed to convert a portion of its existing silicon epitaxy wafer manufacturing facility in Sherman, Texas, to SiC epitaxy wafer manufacturing.

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