News Article

Vishay sensor wins two innovation awards

Compact VCSEL-based sensor wins China IoT innovation award and EE Asia sensor award

Vishay Intertechnology's VCSEL-based proximity sensor has won two industry awards programs: a 2024 China IoT Innovation Award in the 'IoT Annual Product Award: Sensor' category, and a 2024 EE Awards Asia Award in the 'Best Sensor of the Year (Most Promising Product)' category.

The VCSEL-based VCNL36828P combines a photodiode, ASIC, 16-bit ADC, and smart dual I²C slave address in a compact 2.0 mm by 1.0 mm by 0.5 mm surface-mount package.

Compared to previous-generation solutions, the device offers a 20 percent smaller package, 20 percent lower idle current of 5 μA, and 40 percent higher sunlight cancellation up to 140 klx. Combined with a range of 200 mm and a typical rated supply voltage of 1.8 V, the proximity sensor is designed to deliver superior proximity detection while reducing power consumption to increase efficiency in space-constrained, battery-powered applications.

The VCNL36828P is used in smartphones and smart watches for automatic screen wake-up and turn-off functions, in addition to detecting if users are wearing or not wearing true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones, virtual reality / augmented reality (VR / AR) headsets, and smart glasses. To lower costs in these applications, the proximity sensor’s smart dual I²C slave address allows for the connection of two proximity sensors without the need for a multiplexer.


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