News Article

Innoscience launches low voltage GaN HEMT family


40V, 100 and 150V devices come in flip chip QFN packaging

Innoscience has announced a new range of low voltage discrete GaN HEMTs in FCQFN packaging. Rated at 40V, 100V and 150V, the flip chip formatting is said to make the HEMTs simple for engineers to use.

Denis Marcon, general manager, Innoscience Europe, comments: “We still also offer all our discrete devices in wafer scale packages which are beneficial for some module users, however the new FCQFN devices are easy to mount on PCBs using standard assembly equipment and processes.”

40V-rated FCQFN devices are available with an on-resistance value of 4.3mΩ (3x4 mm chip size). 100V HEMTs are offered with RDS(on) ratings of 2.8mΩ (3x5 mm) and 1.8 mΩ (4x6 mm), while the 150V-rated parts measuring 4x6 mm are available with 3.9mΩ and 7mΩ RDS(on).

The 40V parts' low drain and gate leakage currents enable them to be used in mobile markets and direct-battery-connected applications. Other applications include USB Type C buck-boost converters in laptops.

Furthermore, with its latest generation process, Innoscience says it maintains very tight control of the epitaxy, resulting in a very uniform threshold voltage and on-resistance, leading to a high wafer yield.

100V devices suit DC/DC conversion at power levels of up to 2 kW, due to their very low on-resistance. When used in parallel configuration, power levels up to 8 kW can be achieved.

The new 150V targets industrial applications, including solar installations. They have been designed to be very rugged so they do not need the industry-standard 80 percent derating to be applied (i.e. they are rated at 100 percent of their voltage). All the new 40V, 100V and 150V HEMTs have been tested to and exceeded JEDEC and the GaN-specific JEP 180 standards.

The 1.8 mΩ 100V HEMTs are pin-for-pin compatible with the new 3.9 mΩ and 7 mΩ 150V parts as they are all packaged in FCQFN 4x6mm.

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