News Article

Midsummer DUO en route to Italy


Italian CIGS factory will be ready for fully automated production in Q1 2023

Swedish solar energy from Midsummer has shipped another of its DUO machines for the manufacturing of thin film CIGS solar cells to Italy. The DUOs are made at Midsummer’s factory in Järfälla.

Once installed, it will bring the number of DUOs on site in Italy to seven out of ten planned. Another three DUOs are under production in Järfälla and they will be shipped to Italy just after Christmas for installation early in January. The automated module line will also be shipped shortly for installation in January. According to Midsummer, the Italian factory Bari will be ready for a fully automated production start in the first quarter of 2024.

When fully operational, the factory in Bari can produce 50 MW of solar cells per year, making it the largest of its kind in Europe. Midsummer Italia has already signed letters of intent for two-thirds of the Italian factory's maximum production capacity with seven national players in construction and roofing.

For the construction of the factory in Italy, Midsummer receives a grant from the Italian investment vehicle Invitalia totalling approximately $23M (SEK 240 million).

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