News Article

Dow Corning expands epitaxy capability

Dow Corning and AIXTRON AG today announced that Dow Corning is extending its SiC epitaxy capabilities with the latest generation AIXTRON Planetary Reactor platform AIX 2800G4 WW for 10x100 mm and future 6x150 mm SiC wafers. The reactor is planned to be commissioned in the second quarter 2010.

Mark Loboda, Science and Technology Manager, Dow Corning Compound Semiconductor Solutions, said, “After a rigorous review, we selected the AIXTRON system to enable us to deliver the morphology, defect density and uniformity required by our customers. The added capacity and capability up to 150mm will allow us to meet our customer s rapidly growing needs for high power SiC device production.”


Dr. Frank Wischmeyer, Vice President and Managing Director, AIXTRON AB, Sweden, added: “Building on over 10 years of experience with our SiC Hot-Wall Planetary Reactor technology, we are able to offer the proven next generation SiC AIX 2800G4 WW epitaxial production system. The enhanced productivity of the system is due to design features such as a central water cooled triple gas injector, improved process robustness and simplified maintenance procedures. Based on AIXTRON’s proven IC design, the AIX 2800G4 WW system shares a common platform with over 300 installed systems worldwide. AIXTRON is pleased to partner with Dow Corning Compound Semiconductor Solutions as they advance SiC devices into high volume low cost manufacturing.”



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