News Article

UV visible NIR range spectroscopy

CRAIC Technologies, an innovator of UVvisible- NIR microanalysis solutions for scientific laboratories, announces the Microspectra 10 UV-visible-NIR microscope spectrophotometer
This system is specifically designed to be added to the open photoport of any optical microscope to enable it to be used to acquire spectra of microscopic samples.

Depending upon the microscope’s configuration, the Microspectra 10 is capable of UV-visible-NIR range spectroscopy by absorbance, transmission, reflectance and fluorescence. Applications are numerous and include quality control of LCD and OLED displays, vitrinite reflectance of coal and coke, thin film thickness measurements of photovoltaic cells and much more. Combined with CRAIC Technologies traceable microspectrophotometer standards and sophisticated spectral analysis software, the Microspectra 10 is a powerful tool needed in any laboratory.

“CRAIC Technologies has been involved with UV-visible-NIR microanalysis since its founding. We have helped to advance the field of microscale analysis with innovative instrumentation, research and teaching.

The Microspectra 10 microscope spectrophotometer is a cost effective solution for a laboratory to begin microscale spectral analysis” states Dr. Paul Martin, President of CRAIC Technologies. “CRAIC Technologies microscope spectrophotometers are durable, easy-touse and provide the highest quality data of microscope samples and microscopic areas of larger samples such as OLED displays.”
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