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BluGlass receives financial support

A solar project, which uses the compound semiconductor InGaN, has received a government grant.

A project that uses the compound semiconductor material indium-gallium nitride (InGaN) has been received financial support.

The Commonwealth Government has awarded BluGlass Limited $4.96 million (£2.76 million) to help with the development and commercialisation of its high-efficiency thin-film solar cell technology.

One of the main aims of the research is to develop a third-generation photovoltaic technology to be used for producing high-efficiency solar cells based on InGaN.

Through creating more efficient cells than others currently available, it is hoped the renewable form of energy will be put to greater use and be more affordable.

Chief executive officer of BluGlass Giles Bourne said the financial support shows the government has confidence in the company s technology.

"This will see Australian technology return to the forefront of solar innovation and adoption as Australia leads the way on climate change mitigation," he stated.

Bluglass is currently developing and commercialising a process called Remote Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition to make semiconductor materials for high-efficiency devices such as solar cells and light emitting diodes.ADNFCR-2855-ID-19419608-ADNFCR

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