News Article

FlexAL ALD tool strengthens UCSB research projects

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology (OIPT), a leading manufacturer of systems for etch, deposition and thin film growth, is pleased to announce an order from University of California Santa Barbara, (UCSB) CA, USA for its FlexAL Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) tool.

The FlexAL is a compact Plasma ALD system that allows the combination of both plasma and thermal ALD in a single, compact tool making it ideal for leading edge research.  “The UCSB Nanofabrication Facility is excited at the addition of the Oxford Instruments FlexAL ALD system.  This system offers great flexibility for thermal and plasma-based processes with in-situ diagnostic tools to address the needs of a diverse optical and electrical device research effort within our facility.  We look forward to working with Oxford Instruments.” comments Brian Thibeault, UCSB, Dept. ECE.


Chris Hodson, ALD Product Manager at OIPT said, “Oxford Instruments is pleased that UCSB selected our most advanced Plasma ALD system for their future research activities in thin film growth. We are also excited to be part of the university’s Nanofabrication Facility’s success linking local nanotechnology companies and researchers into a chain that stretches across the country. This is our fourth Plasma ALD system in the NNIN network.”


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