News Article

BTU International introduces CdTe processing platform

CdTe processing for thin film photovoltaic manufacturing acquires new tool sset

BTU International (Nasdaq: BTUI), a supplier of advanced thermal processing equipment and processes for the alternative energy and electronics manufacturing markets, today introduced Perseas, a product platform designed specifically for the processing of Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) thin film photovoltaic cells. 


Perseas is a modular platform featuring configurations with varied throughputs and process capabilities. The platform is scalable from R&D to pilot and to production-sized units. The Perseas-CA is designed for the chlorine annealing process while the Perseas-CF is for the contact formation process.  In addition, the platform is compatible with both glass and web substrates.  


“Based on the tremendous market growth forecasted for this segment and the ambitious plans of our thin film customers, we decided to design and introduce a robust and scalable product platform,” said Jan-Paul van Maaren, Ph.D., BTU vice president, marketing. “We expect the market growth to be driven by both new entrants to the market and the rapid scale up of established producers. The Perseas platform is a solution for customers in both stages in their growth plans.”


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