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Copper wire production rises 'due to semiconductor industry demand'

The strong semiconductor capabilities of copper have led to one company increasing its manufacturing of copper wire to support industry demand.
Copper wire production has been boosted by one company as it strives to meet the demands of the semiconductor industry, which is producing an increasing amount of cost-effective and high-performing solutions.

STATS ChipPAC announced that it has increased copper wire volume production to support customers in Asia as the product is seen as being a low-cost alternative to - and with semiconductor abilities greater than - aluminium and gold, as well as stronger mechanical properties.

Furthermore, the implementation of process capabilities for wafer nodes has been put in place ranging from 250 nanometres to 45 nanometres. This development of advanced wafer nodes is to support the predicted demand in copper wire bond as a semiconductor.

"We see demand for copper wire bond gaining momentum as a low-cost, high-performance manufacturing solution for fine-pitch and ultra-fine pitch bonding," said Wan Choong Hoe, executive vice-president and chief operating officer at STATS ChipPAC.

It was previously announced by Henry Gentenaar, a managing partner at Reware, that using copper-based panels for solar applications can boost manufacture of portable electronic charging stations because of its powerful semiconductor properties.ADNFCR-2855-ID-19478793-ADNFCR
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