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OPEL Solar, Inc. Spotlights Its Concentrating Photovoltaic Technology at Key Industry Conference

Firm to Discuss First Live HCPV Installation in Spain at February CPV Today Summit

Dr. Javier Berrios, Vice President of Engineering for OPEL Solar, Inc. will be a featured speaker at the CPV Today 2nd Annual Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA in San Diego next week.

Dr. Berrios's presentation, which is entitled, "CPV Systems: The Road to Successful Installations," focuses on OPEL Solar's achievement of going live to the electric grid with one of the first commercial HCPV installations in Spain using OPEL Solar's HCPV panels and dual axis solar trackers. 

In commenting on his upcoming session at the Summit, Dr. Berrios noted that "CPV technology is rapidly maturing and needs to have more success stories told." 

Dr. Berrios's participation in the CPV Today summit is just one in a series of appearances and speaking engagements over the past several months by OPEL Solar executives who are widely sought after as speakers because of their expertise and the success of the company's advanced solar products around the world.

Frank Middleton, Chief Operating Officer of OPEL Solar, recently spoke to an audience at PV Power Plants 2009 held in Las Vegas, Nevada on its technologies as a viable source of solar electric power generation for utility scale projects. Noting in his opening remarks that "Not all watts are created equal," Middleton, who participated in a panel of industry experts, addressed "Solar Concentration and Tracker Systems."

In the meantime, OPEL Solar has continued to host numerous customer visits to its commercial solar farm in Spain where customers, investors, and institutions can see the successful installation and electric production of OPEL's Mk-I HCPV panels mounted on dual axis solar trackers.

The CPV Today 2nd Annual Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA in San Diego will run February 2nd and 3rd. OPEL Solar is one of several sponsors of the industry event.

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