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EU project discusses material research needs

EU project discusses the future of innovation & research for sustainable chemistry

Sectors which are among the most important for sustainable development and future innovation in Europe have joined forces with the chemical industry at a workshop hosted by the EU Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) this week in Luxembourg. Over two days, the five sectors - automotive, solar energy, solid state lighting, civil engineering and aviation/aerospace - have shared their future research needs with the chemical industry and European Commission.


These industries depend on the chemical industry to bring forward new materials to enable them to develop products which will make Europe more competitive and more sustainable. The chemical industry provides materials for innovation across all industry sectors, so this event marked a new direction in value chain cooperation which will continue at the annual Stakeholder Event, being held this year in Lyon, France on 4 May. The output of the workshop will be presented to the European Commission and will serve as input to the 8th Framework Programme for Research (FP8).


SusChem’s Ger Spork said “At the Hybrid Workshop in Luxembourg, we have put our heads together with other leading industries to define the future of materials research and innovation. We responded to the calls from the EU’s High Level Group on the Competitiveness of the Chemical Industry by further strengthening our relationship with the value chain. By adding our voice to the innovation debate, we are working together towards a common goal for an innovative and sustainable Europe.”

The final report will be presented to the European Commission and will be made available to the public.

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