News Article

Tyndall increase GaN capability with Aixtron reactor

New tool will be used for GaN / (Al, Ga, In)N-based material growth and focus on high temperature growth of AlGaN structures

Aixtron today announces an order for one Close Coupled Showerhead MOCVD system from Tyndall National Institute, based in University College Cork (UCC), Ireland. The order was received in the Q4 2009 and the system will be delivered in the first half of 2010 in a 3x2 inch wafer configuration.

Professor Peter Parbrook, who has been appointed to lead the GaN growth activity at the Tyndall National Institute using strategic funding from Science Foundation Ireland, said, “From our existing Aixtron reactors we are very familiar with the quality of performance and engineering available with their tools. There are many reasons why we opted for a CCS® reactor for our GaN programme: for instance the flexible reactor configuration which includes gap adjustment. Plus we can work with a range of different substrate sizes to suit our various research projects. Inherently, the tool also has high growth uniformity and we are looking forward to using the ARGUS pyrometric system to give us precision in-situ monitoring and process control.”

The growth tool will complement Tyndall’s existing expertise in the theory of GaN photonic materials and fabrication of GaN based devices. The new system will be used to support work on advanced GaN technologies including growth of GaN / (Al, Ga, In)N-based materials for opto-electronic and micro-electronic devices with a focus on high temperature growth of AlGaN structures.
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