News Article

How to make a state-of-the-art visible red laser, what its specs are, and what new markets it can target

Dr. Petteri Uusimaa, President of Modulight will be presenting “How to make a state-of-the-art visible red laser, what its specs are, and what new markets it can target” at CS Europe Conference.

CS Europe conference takes place on the 22nd March 2011, Frankfurt in the heart of Europe and will discuss “What next for the Compound Semiconductor Industry?”

From backlighting TVs to empowering mobile devices and harnessing the sun’s energy, compound semiconductor chips are playing an ever-increasing role in modern life. This is set to continue, but what will be the biggest breakthroughs over the next five years? And what’s needed to tap into these new markets?

A selection of companies already confirmed to speak include JDS Uniphase Corporation, Modulight, OMMIC, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, TriQuint Semiconductor, United Monolithic Semiconductors, TranSiC, RFMD, Oclaro, Dow Corning and NXP

If you want to learn from the insight of these insiders, be sure to book your place at CS Europe now and take advantage of Early Booking rate`s.

Organised by Compound Semiconductor magazine and supported by Solar magazine and EuroAsia Semiconductor magazine, CS Europe will be the major European event for professionals involved in the Compound Semiconductor industry.

CSEurope web site: www.CSEurope.net

Delegate booking: http://www.cseurope.net/register.php

Contact: info@cseurope.net
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