News Article

Aixtron Installs 2 MOCVD Systems at Jiangxi Changda

The two 2 inch reactors have increased the Chinese firms HB GaN LED epiwafer capacity.

Aixtron has installed two AIX 2800G4 HT 2 inch MOCVD tools at Jiangxi Changda, a new customer in the southern province of PR China.

The new HB GaN LED growth reactors have been successfully installed and commissioned by the local Aixtron support team at the company's facility.

Lu Bo, Executive VP of Jiangxi Changda comments, "I have been impressed with the reputation of this equipment thus our team has been looking forward to the arrival of the new AIX 2800G4 HT MOCVD reactors. We need them to comply with our planned capacity increase as we manufacture more LEDs to meet the strongly growing demand. The Aixtron systems match our specification for process flexibility, thickness uniformity, doping, and composition. We had a swift and efficient installation thanks to the Aixtron close local support and service."

Christian Geng, VP Greater China and General Manager at Aixtron Taiwan adds, "This is an important sale for Aixtron for several reasons: Jiangxi Changda is a subsidiary of Lattice Power Corporation in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, which is one of our long-time customers and one of the first in China. This company relies on several Aixtron MOCVD systems to develop and manufacture HB LEDs for full color displays. Lattice Power is also scaling up its R&D for the production of HB GaN LEDs on silicon substrate for even more cost efficient devices."
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