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GaAs& GaN based Amps to Overshoot Silicon

Strategy Analytics predicts that the GaAs and GaN based MMIC and hybrid amplifier market is estimated to reach $178 million in 2014.

The global conversion from analog to digital broadcasting standards, which increases consumer demand for bandwidth, intensive applications and new services is driving strong growth in Community Access Television (CATV) networks.

The MMIC and hybrid amplifier market is estimated to reach $227 Million in 2014.

The recently published Strategy Analytics GaAs and Compound Semiconductor (GaAs) data model, “CATV Infrastructure Amplifier Forecast 2009-2014,” projects a 10% CAAGR from 2009 to 2014 for the hybrid and MMIC amplifiers used in CATV infrastructure.

This analysis shows a shift away from Silicon to GaAs and GaN-based amplifiers. Strategy Analytics projects GaAs hybrid and MMIC amplifiers to grow at a CAAGR of 21%, more than twice the market rate, to reach slightly more than $160 million in 2014.

GaN hybrid amplifiers will enter the market in 2010 and grow strongly to reach nearly $18 million by 2014. During this same time, Strategy Analytics forecasts that Silicon MMIC and hybrid amplifiers will decline with a negative CAAGR of 9% falling to $49 million in 2014.

“CATV network infrastructure is no longer just television. It is central to the “triple-play” of voice, video and data,” noted Eric Higham, Director of the Strategy Analytics GaAs Service. “As consumers adopt new bandwidth-intensive services, networks become more sophisticated to keep pace. This will encourage strong growth and attractive opportunities for amplifier suppliers.”

This data model also highlights dynamics in market segmentation. Total market values are segmented by geography, video signal platform, amplifier topology, output power level and device process. Based on this segmentation, Strategy Analytics estimates the Asia Pacific region, containing China and India will be the dominant consumer. By the end of 2010, GaAs will surpass Silicon as the dominant amplifier technology.

Strategy Analytics provides timely and actionable market intelligence focused on opportunities and disruptive forces in the areas of Automotive Electronics and Entertainment, Broadband Connected Home, Mobile & Wireless Intelligent Systems and Virtual Worlds.
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