News Article

Ascent Solar to Provide CIGS Solar Cells in Europe

The firm has signed an agreement with Green Earth Energy and Technology of Belgium to distribute its flexible thin-film solar modules in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany.

Ascent Solar a developer of CIGS solar modules, has announced that Green Earth Energy and Technology will begin distribution of its lightweight, high-power modules for building integrated (BIPV), and portable power solutions in Europe

The agreement with Green Earth Energy and Technology gives Ascent Solar access to multiple segments in Europe's solar market including direct integration into building materials for residential and commercial solutions. The firm will provide its flexible CIGS modules to Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany.

Ascent Solar President and CEO Farhad Moghadam stated, "We are pleased to announce our agreement with Green Earth Energy and Technology. This relationship will give us access to new and emerging market opportunities in building applied photovoltaics that could provide significant opportunity in Europe over the coming years. We also expect that other products in our lineup of flexible, lightweight CIGS modules will be marketed through this relationship."

Green Earth Energy and Technology will participate in the Intersolution Solar Energy Expo in Ghent, Belgium, January 27-29, 2011.
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