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Aixtron – SINANO training centre established in China

The manufacturer of MOCVD equipment will provide one CRIUS II system and one AIXG5HT system at SINANO’s facility to train its customers and potential customers’ engineers.

Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech & Nano-bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SINANO) signed an agreement on June 22 in Suzhou with Aixtron to co-establish the “Aixtron - SINANO MOCVD Training Centre” agreement.




As a leading manufacturer of MOCVD equipment, Aixtron will provide one CRIUS II MOCVD system and one AIXG5HT MOCVD system at SINANO’s facility to train its customers and potential customers’ engineers on the usage of MOVCD systems. SINANO's process and maintenance engineers will also be trained by Aixtron for the system operations.

MOCVD is the most critical epitaxial growth equipment on the upstream chain of semiconductor lighting industry and requires high-level operation staff. By building the Aixtron - SINANO MOCVD Training Centre, SINANO and Aixtron will play advantages of each party's, for training the high-end industry professionals and to provide the talent supports for both Yangtze River Delta region and the national optoelectronics and photovoltaic industry development.

What’s more, based on this cooperation, the two sides prepare to establish a MOCVD R&D centre, with a view to fundamentally improve China's MOCVD epitaxy technology and MOCVD equipment manufacturing capacity.

Yang Hui, director of SINANO and Wolfgang Breme, CFO of Aixtron attended the agreement signing ceremony.
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