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Picosun reveals batch ALD tool for LEDs and power devices

The system can be used for wafer sizes of 150 mm or 200 mm

Picosun Oy is launching the new PICOSUN P-200 batch ALD system. The P-200 system is specifically optimised for fast and efficient manufacturing of LEDs, power electronics components and.MEMS (MicroElectroMechanical Systems),

The PICOSUN P-200 ALD tool is designed for wafer sizes of 150 mm or 200 mm in batches of 25 wafers. The cornerstones of Picosun ALD system design - unmatched versatility, modularity, and flexibility - are manifested in the variety of automation options available for the P-200 tool.

The system can be equipped with a linear inline loader, can be operated with an industrial robot, connected to a vacuum robot, or integrated with a vacuum load lock, glove box, or mini clean  environment. Quick, fully automated batch processing enables high production throughput with excellent process quality and low cost-of-ownership.

The PICOSUN P-200 ALD system has already been accepted by two prominent LED manufacturers and two production customers for MEMS.

With the earlier PICOSUN P-300 and P-1000 ALD systems, Picosun now offers a full range of industrial batch production tools to suit every size of wafer and production volumes. 

"We are extremely happy to secure our position in the rapidly expanding LED, MEMS, and compound semiconductor market with our new PICOSUN P-200 production tool. The compact, small footprint design of the tool, combined with extremely fast batch processing and excellent film quality give us an unrivaled competitive edge," says Juhana Kostamo, Managing Director of Picosun. 

Picosun's ALD technology uses novel cutting-edge coating technology and the firm has four decades of expertise in the field. Today, PICOSUN ALD systems are in daily production use in numerous prominent industries around the globe. Picosun is based in Finland and has its subsidiaries in the USA and Singapore.

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