News Article

Radiant Zemax expands characterisation line up for LEDs

The imaging colorimeter is suited to measurement applications that require speed, flexibility, and seamless operation in production environments
Radiant Zemax, a provider of light and colour test and measurement systems, has released the ProMetric I2, the newest member of its ProMetric I family of imaging colorimeters.

ProMetric imaging colorimeter

The system is designed to meet the speed and throughput requirements of high-volume production lines. The ProMetric I2 incorporates ProMetric I’s technology in a 2MP, 1600 x 1200 pixel model, making it well suited to applications such as light measurement and characterisation of LED products, and other test and measurement applications that require speed, flexibility, and seamless operation in production environments.

Radiant Zemax’s imaging colorimeters are specialised CCD-based camera systems that replicate human spatial perception of brightness and colour. They combine the benefits of automation - speed, flexibility, and repeatability - with the relevancy and accuracy of human visual perception. ProMetric I, introduced to the market in mid-2013, was developed to deliver this powerful error-proofing technology to production environments.

“The improved speed is a game changing feature,” says Radiant Zemax President and CEO, Paul Caragher. “ProMetric I allows for significantly more complete test coverage without impacting overall throughput, so our customers can improve product quality and reduce costs by capturing and quantifying defects before they make it to market in finished products.”

With the addition of the I2, three models of ProMetric I imaging colorimeters are now available to accommodate a wide range of application requirements: ProMetric I2, I8, and I16, built around 2MP, 8MP, and 16MP cooled interline CCD sensors, respectively.

Each is available with a variety of interchangeable lenses, enabling optimised measurements over a wide range of working distances and viewing angles. ProMetric I supports high-speed USB and Ethernet communications, providing reliable operation over long distances. 

Smart Technology features, including electronic lens control and onboard touchscreen, simplify setup and improve measurement accuracy.

The ProMetric I family can be paired with the Radiant Zemax TrueTest Automated Visual Inspection system to provide a complete, turnkey solution for high-volume manufacturing of FPDs, illuminated keyboards, and lighting products.

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