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Phoseon to display UV LED curing products

The firm will be showcasing its Ultra violet LED curing solutions at the IMI conference in Hong Kong
Phoseon Technology continues its expansion in the Asia Pacific region by participating at the upcoming Industrial Digital Showcase Asia (IMI) in Hong Kong.

Phoseon plans to feature the latest UV LED curing systems on the market to help support new and existing customers in Asia.

Industrial Digital Showcase Asia 2014 will provide a forum to bring together the leading industrial inkjet and other digital technology suppliers with key customers in the Asia region.

Inkjet in the Asia region is growing rapidly.

For the first time IMI Asia seeks to bring together a conference program targeted at the exciting China and Asia Pacific Industrial digital sector.

"We have significantly increased our UV LED presence in greater China and throughout the Asia Pacific Region to help support growing international markets," says Chi Li, Director of Sales Asia Pacific.

While bringing the three-tiered benefits of UV LED curing (advanced capabilities, operating economics, and environmental advantages), Phoseon's products add additional capability with superior performance, integrated control, and outstanding reliability for customer's tough curing environments.


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