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II-VI expands seed laser portfolio

II-VI Laser Enterprise, a subsidiary of II-VI Incorporated will debut new products from its expanded Seed Laser portfolio at Photonics West 2014. These include a new Fabry Perot (FP) laser diode module with ultra-broad band fiber Bragg grating (FBG) for high peak power pulsed Fiber Lasers and a Distributed Feedback (DFB) laser diode module designed for seeding of sub-nanosecond Fiber and Solid State lasers.

The expanded Seed Laser portfolio comprehensively addresses all pulsed fiber laser applications and includes:

 -- An innovative DFB single-mode laser diode with an on-chip distributed feedback grating that enables pulsed Fiber Lasers to operate at picosecond pulse widths as well as enables frequency conversion into green and UV wavelength ranges. Available at 1064 nm and 1030 nm, the Seed Laser is capable of high peak powers of up to 800 mW for a pulse width as short as 150 ps tunable up to 4ns with programmable pulse shapes and a spectral line-width well below 100 pm.

 -- A FP Seed Laser module with a 4nm ultra-broad band chirped FBG, tailored to control spectral properties for the suppression of SBS (Stimulated Brillouin Scattering), a common problem in pulsed fiber lasers that occurs above 10 ns pulse width and at high peak power operation of pulsed fiber lasers. Available at 1064nm, the module can be operated at peak currents of up to 2 A.

 -- A narrow-band FBG FP laser module for pulsed frequency conversion applications. The laser module with less than 0.3 nm bandwidth and FBG at a short distance is available at 1064nm and 1030nm.

 All Seed Laser modules feature a standard telecom-grade butterfly type package that includes a thermistor and back-facet monitor photodiode. Reliability of Seed Laser modules had been proven with pulsed reliability tests over 10,000 hours at 2 A peak current. For the DFB Seed Laser, a multi-cell life-test of over 8,000 hours at accelerated operating conditions has been performed with zero failures.

 "As different applications and architectures for pulsed Fiber Lasers continue to grow, tailored seed solutions allow optimized material interaction and improved quality at the work piece, said Product Line Manager, Dominik Jaeggi. "The expanded seed module portfolio demonstrates the capability at II-VI Laser Enterprise to continuously innovate and to develop flexible solutions that address the application requirements of our customers.".

About II-VI Laser Enterprise GmbH

 II-VI Laser Enterprise GmbH is a leading provider of 980nm single mode pumps, high power laser diode and VCSEL solutions. II-VI Laser Enterprise GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of II-VI Incorporated  IIVI -0.92%   headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland with design centers in Tucson (USA) and Paignton, (UK). The company is serving a variety of markets with its semiconductor laser solutions such as pumping, medical, printing, telecommunication and consumer electronics.
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