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EPC reveals high output GaN based development board

The EPC9013 high current development board incorporating 100 V eGaN FETs features multiple half-bridges in parallel
Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) is introducing the EPC9013 development board featuring the 100 V EPC2001 enhancement mode (eGaN) field effect transistor (FET).

EPC9013 development board

It operates up to a 35 A maximum output current in Buck mode using a four half-bridge configuration in parallel and a single onboard gate drive. This innovative design increases output power without sacrificing efficiency.

The EPC9013 development board is 2” x 2” with eight EPC2001 eGaN FETs in conjunction with the Texas Instruments LM5113 gate driver. The development board can be operated as a Buck, Boost, or bidirectional, as well as a half bridge for motor drives and isolated converter applications.

Its parallel configuration is recommended for high current applications. The printed circuit board (PCB) layout is designed for optimal switching performance. There are various probe points to facilitate simple waveform measurement and easily evaluate the eGaN FETs.

This development board simplifies the evaluation process of the EPC2001 eGaN FET for high current operation by including all the critical components on a single board that can be simply connected into any existing converter.

A Quick Start Guide containing set up procedures, circuit diagram, performance curves and a bill of material is included with the EPC9013 demo board for reference and ease of use.

EPC9013 development boards are priced at $150 each and are available for immediate delivery from Digi-Key at http://bit.ly/EPC9013DK.
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