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Crystal IS launches AlN based UVC LED technology

The substrates grown on aluminium nitride substrates aim to improve productivity and increase accuracy
Crystal IS, a developer of ultraviolet (UVC) LEDs, has announced the availability of Optan.

The firm says this is the first commercial semiconductor based on native AIN substrates, Optan provides a technology platform for increased detection sensitivity, essential for analytical and life sciences instrumentation - from monitoring of chemicals in pharma manufacturing to drinking water analysis. 

The Optan product enables design engineers looking to overcome limitations associated with traditional UV lamps, including deuterium and xenon flash lamps. As an enabling technology, Optan claims to allow developers to fully exploit the power of UV-based technology to improve productivity, increase accuracy and create greater flexibility in product designs.

“This is an exciting time for Crystal IS and an achievement for the semiconductor industry as a whole,” said Larry Felton, CEO of Crystal IS. “Optan will help instrument manufacturers build smaller, more powerful tools and products with a lower overall system cost. We look forward to the scientific and environmental contributions their new products will provide.”

Crystal IS says the  light output and spectral quality of the Optan UVC LED technology, made possible by the low defect AIN substrate delivers good reliability. The firm also says the UVLEDS have a longer lifetime and are a game changer for life sciences and analytical instrumentation, including environmental monitoring.

There are several uses for these devices. They include:

HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography), a powerful tool in analysis for detecting chemicals and compounds in life sciences.

Spectrometers, used in multiple applications in testing and analysis across biotech, life sciences and environmental monitoring.

Water quality monitoring sensors, becoming increasingly important for detecting chemicals in water from fracking, water security and the use of treated wastewater.

The Optan LEDs suited to spectroscopic applications.are currently available in peak wavelengths from 250nm to 280nm and power bins from 0.5 mW to 2 mW,

Full availability for all bins under 3 mW is anticipated for next quarter with higher power bins with 3 - 4 mW available in Autumn 2014.

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