News Article

MACOM Launches High Power GaAs Amplifier for Radar use

Amplifier offers up to 42 dBm of peak power 

Macom has announced a new high power amplifier for X-Band communication and radar applications.

The MAAP-015036, a two stage 8.5 to 10.5GHz GaAs MMIC, has a saturated pulsed output power of 42dBm, a  signal gain of 17dB and a typical 43 percent power added efficiency. The power amplifier can be biased using a direct gate voltage or using an on-chip gate bias circuit. Furthermore, the device offers dual sided bias architecture for optimum flexibility in assembly and board design.

"The MAAP-015036 is our highest power amplifier in our family of new, high efficiency GaAs MMIC X-Band power amplifiers," said Paul Beasly, product manager. "The combination of high power, high gain and excellent power added efficiency performance, along with versatile biasing options makes the device ideal for a wide range of X-band pulsed applications such as marine, weather and surface-movement radar, as well as perimeter security and communication links".

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