News Article

TriQuint Continues DoD Trusted Source Status

Long-time supplier sees accreditation extended through 2016

TriQuint Semiconductor has announced that it has earned continued Trusted Source Category 1A accreditation through 2016 from the US Department of Defense (DoD).

According to the certification, the accreditation of trust expresses the confidence of the DoD Defence Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) and the US National Security Agency's Trusted Access Program Office (TAPO) that TriQuint will continue to deliver trusted foundry microelectronic goods and services (category 1A) to end users which meet mission critical needs now and into the future.

"We're proud that TriQuint provides the trusted technologies that meet the mission needs of the DoD," said vice president and general manager James Klein, infrastructure and defence products. "We've maintained this accreditation and achieved significant milestones as a technology leader to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to our customer and the defence industrial base."

TriQuint earned original accreditation for its Richardson, Texas foundry in 2008. It was extended in 2012 to include post processing services, assembly and packaging services, and RF test services. All of those accreditations have been renewed through 2016. Foundry accreditations include GaN, GaAs and bulk acoustic wave (BAW) technologies.

The accreditation certifies that TriQuint provides the DoD and intelligence community with critical system microelectronics; foundry access for mission applications; and technology support through industry partnership. In this manner, TAPO and DMEA can have confidence that national security technology is secured throughout its manufacture and distribution by TriQuint - truly trusted source electronics.

TriQuint has focused on achieving several milestones as a supplier to the DoD. For instance, the company recently completed the Defens  e Production Act Title III GaN on SiC program. TriQuint also applied the US Air Force Research Laboratory's rigorous manufacturing readiness assessment (MRA) tool and criteria to its GaN production line, which develops high-frequency, high-power devices used within military radar, communications and electronic warfare programs. 

This MRA process benchmarked TriQuint as the first GaN manufacturer to earn Manufacturing Readiness Level 9, with the maturity needed to support full-rate production programs. The DoD's MRA ensures that manufacturing, production and quality assurance meet operational mission needs and provide the best value for the customer. TriQuint demonstrated that its manufacturing processes met full performance, cost and capacity goals, with the capability in place to support full-rate production.

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