News Article

Lattice Power's GaN-on-Si LED Lamp: one of 2014's best products

Architectural magazine choses lamp with highest lumen output without active cooling

Lattice Power, known for its high performance, low cost GaN-on-Silicon LEDs, announced this week that its NUP-PAR38 LED lamp has been chosen by Architectural Record magazine as one their 2014 Record Products.

The company's GaN-on-Silicon LED NUP-PAR38 lamp has the industry's highest lumen output without active cooling - 2000 lumens at 27W. An innovative thermal pipe heatsink provides efficient heat dissipation and eliminates the need for active cooling. Furthermore, the lamp is claimed to have the highest power and lumen density from a single emitter LED and the lowest thermal resistance from an integrated package at 0.25degC/W. 

A jury of six professionals selected the best new products of the year from entries submitted for Architectural Record magazine's annual competition. Jurors were asked to rate the entries on the criteria of innovation, usefulness; and - where applicable- aesthetics.

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