News Article

MACOM Introduces Highest Linearity 4W Ka-Band Power Amp

Device delivers twice the linear performance of competing alternatives

MACOM today introduced a high linearity 4W power amplifier, suited for Ka-Band high data density satellite communications. The device delivers 24dB of linear gain, 4W of saturated output power and 23 percent efficiency.

The device provides greater than 27dBm Pout/tone while maintaining IM3 levels of 30dBc, which the company believes is twice the linear performance of competing alternatives. This two-times linearity performance allows the MAAP-011139 to replace two equivalent competing alternatives with a single device while operating in an overall more efficient mode.

"The MAAP-011139 sets a new industry benchmark for linear power performance at Ka-Band frequencies," said Paul Beasly, product manager. "In combination with MACOM's comprehensive mmWave Ka-Band product portfolio we can provide customers with a complete chip-set solution that we believe enables the best performance, value and ease-of-use."

MACOM's new MAAP-011139 is offered in both bare die format and a 5x5 mm 32-lead QFN package.


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