News Article

Cree Releases New 25W GaN MMIC Power Amplifier

6 to 12GHz device is suitable for replacing traveling wave tube amplifiers

Cree, Inc, a supplier of GaN HEMT transistors and monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), has introduced a new 25W GaN MMIC for 6 to12GHz performance.

According to the company, the new MMIC enables extremely wide bandwidths and instantaneous broadband performance, and suitable for replacing traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs) in applications including radar and jamming, test equipment, and broadband amplifiers.

Based on Cree GaN HEMTs, the new MMIC is built on a SiC substrate using a 0.25µm gate length fabrication process. GaN-on-SiC exhibits several superior properties compared to silicon, GaAs, and GaN-on-Si, including higher breakdown voltage, saturated electron drift velocity, and thermal conductivity. GaN HEMTs also offer greater power density and wider bandwidths than Si, GaAs, and GaN-on-Si transistors.

The new reactively matched GaN MMIC power amplifier is available as a bare die (CMPA601C025D) or in a thermally enhanced, 10-lead ceramic flange package (CMPA601C025F). 

Both instantaneously exhibit 30 percent power added efficiency from 6-12GHz, provide 35W of CW output power, are rated for operation up to 28V. However, the die features 32dB small signal gain and 30W typical PSAT, while the packaged part features 33dB small signal gain and 35W typical PSAT.

The packaged device will be stocked at Mouser. 

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