Marktech announces near infrared InGaAs PIN Diodes
Marktech Optoelectronics, a US manufacturer of sensors and InP epiwafers, has introduced a new series of InGaAs PIN photodiode near infrared detectors that feature low noise, high sensitivity and high-speed response.
They are packaged in a TO-46 metal can with active areas of 0.1mm, 0.3mm and 0.8mm. Applications include optical communication devices such as receivers, sensors and high-speed fibre modules.
Standard spectral range of the PIN diode series is 0.9um to 1.7um. These parts offer considerable speed improvements over the current offerings in the field of telecommunications and other high-speed applications.
Vincent Forte, CTO of Marktech Optoelectronics said: "This series of InGaAs photo detectors are ideally suited for data communications applications with very high data rates, low dark current and capacitance along with very small active areas."
Marktech will be exhibiting at the SPIE DSS 2015 show in Baltimore on April 21st-23rd.