News Article

Translucent and Vilnius Link up for Non Polar GaN

Epi-Twist substrates will be used by the Institute of Applied Research at Vilnius University for MOCVD growth

Translucent Inc, based in Palo Alto, US, has announced a joint project with Vilnius University developing non-polar GaN epitaxy on Translucent's cREO silicon templates.

Translucent's epi-Twist substrates will be used by the Institute of Applied Research at Vilnius University, Lithuania for MOCVD growth of non-polar GaN. The group received €119.9K research grant from Research Council of Lithuania.

The crystalline rare earth oxide (cREO) epitaxially grown on silicon is a proven template for the MOCVD growth of III-N materials. Available in both 150mm and 200mm diameters, these templates provide an entry point for new adopters of power GaN supporting both AlN first MOCVD but also enabling GaN first growth processes not currently available for MOCVD growth on silicon. 

Since the template is grown independently of the III-N its properties can be designed to support the upstream MOCVD process "“ for example the buried oxide can take a portion of the vertical breakdown or can be used to offset some of the mechanical stresses imparted traditional GaN-on-silicon. Focused on serving the power GaN market this technology also has applicability to both RF GaN and GaN LEDs on silicon

The goal of the project is to demonstrate MOCVD growth of non-polar GaN on Si(100). Initial research results in this field, previously conducted by Translucent, were presented at IWN-2014 in Wroclaw, Poland. 

The Vilnius project is currently funded through September 2017. 

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