News Article

Microsemi introduces 13 new devices at IMS 2015

GaN on SiC HEMTs  and  65GHz MMICs on show in Phoenix next week

Microsemi has announced it will feature 13 new products from its RF, microwave and millimeter wave ICs, modules, monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and subsystem portfolio at the 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2015) and Exhibition in Phoenix, Arizona May 17-22, 2015.

During the IMS2015 exhibition, the new devices, as well as other products from Microsemi will be on display for engineers, system architects and researchers interested in technologies that would differentiate their new designs.

Products include GaN on SiC HEMT RF power transistors covering L and S-Bands to 800W; monolithic SPST PIN switch elements offering low loss through 40GHz; the L0618-50-T523 high power broadband GaN amplifier system that delivers 100W of saturated output power over the 6 to 18GHz frequency range; and a portfolio of MMICs that spans DC to 65GHz including high power and low noise broadband amplifiers, amplifier modules, prescalers, attenuators and switches.

 "Microsemi offers RF, microwave, and millimeter wave antenna to bits solutions with a progressive emphasis on high performance semiconductor (CMOS, SiGe, GaAs, GaN and InP) and packaging technologies. This has allowed us to work continuously with industry leaders in our target markets to solve complex engineering problems at the discrete, RFIC, MMIC, module and subsystem levels," said Norm Hildreth, vice president and general manager of Microsemi's Discrete Products Group.


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