News Article

Vistec establishes US showroom

Clean room facility demonstrates variable shaped beam lithography system

Vistec Electron Beam has announced the establishment of a showroom in Schaumburg, Illinois to promote and demonstrate its Variable Shaped Beam  lithography systems for the US market.

The key component of the facility is a fully operational Vistec SB254 electron-beam lithography system, installed in a clean room of 970sqft, supplemented by a set of process and measurement equipment for standard sample processing.

"We are very pleased to be able to offer such a demonstration capability to potential North America market customers. The availability of the showroom facility shall manifest our commitment to this important high technology region, it  will foster our activities to better understand customer needs and shall help to provide tailored solutions to their specific requirements,"commented Wolfgang Dorl, general manager of Vistec Electron Beam.

Vistec's electron-beam lithography systems are for semiconductor applications and advanced research such as silicon direct write, compound semiconductor, mask making, integrated optics and several new emerging markets.

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