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Avago demos integrated LNA-Filter for satellite car radio

RFIC module enables SDARS to coexist with cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS

Analogue chip developer Avago Technologies has announced a miniature highly integrated LNA-filter RFIC module, the ALM-2203, targeting Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) car radio systems. It will be conducting a live demo of SDARS RF signal reception using the module at the IMS 2015 exhibition in Phoenix, Arizona, USA from May 19th to 21st.

The module, based on the company's pHEMT LNA and FBAR filter technologies, is designed to enable SDARS signal to coexist with cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS signals commonly present in today's automobiles.

The car is becoming an environment crowded with many different types of wireless signals that could cause an RF interference disrupting desired signal reception. As such, it is difficult for a small signal type such as SDARS to operate in the presence of nearby large signals like 4G/LTE and WiFi. The ALM-2203 is claimed to be the first highly integrated LNA-filter module that addresses SDARS wireless coexistence challenges while meeting the miniature footprint requirement for modern shark-fin type antennas.

"As new cars are increasingly equipped with SDARS, the need for a miniature SDARS LNA-filter RFIC with good OOB P1dB performance is imperative for today's car multi-band, multi-standard wireless environment," said Ron Ruebusch, senior vice president and general manager of Avago's Wireless Semiconductor Division.

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