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German photonics market grew 4 percent in 2014

2015 is expected to be as dynamic as in 2014

The Arbeitsgruppe Marktforschung Photonik (Photonics Market Research Work Group) in which the German industry associations SPECTARIS, VDMA and ZVEI are represented expects a solid growth of 4 percent for the German photonics production in 2014, reaching  â‚¬30 billion. 

All three industry associations (SPECTARIS, VDMA, and ZVE),  which form the market research group expect growth in 2015 to be as dynamic as in 2014.

Excluding production of photovoltaics (cells and modules), communications equipment, and displays  - a major part of which has relocated to Asia -  the growth rate in 2014 would be much higher, in the upper high single digits for manufacturing and medical technology, optical components, and lighting, particularly LEDs.

Laser systems and laser sources, image processing, measurement engineering, and lithography benefited from both higher domestic sales and even stronger export growth in 2014. Some of these areas recorded two-digit growth rates and growth was generally more dynamic than that of the world market. All three industry associations (SPECTARIS, VDMA, and ZVE),  which form the market research group expect growth in 2015 to be as dynamic as in 2014.

Some of the highlights of the reports include 11 percent growth for laser systems and 5 percent for laser sources; 5-16 percent for lithography for semiconductor equipment; and LEDs continued to establish themselves with a market share of 60 percent (sales) in the outdoor lighting area and 45 percent in interior lighting area. 


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