News Article

Princeton Announces VCSEL-based mini line generator

New 820-840nm device suits machine vision and consumer electronics applications

Princeton Optronics has announced a VCSE- based miniature line generator with wavelengths in the 820-840nm range.

The device has a 20mW CW power output, a fan angle of 80 degrees, line uniformity of 75-85 percent, a 1/e2 linewidth of 2.5mm at a distance of 50 cm.

The size of the line generator is 4x6x5mm. Such products can be made using Princeton Optronics VCSELs at wavelengths from red to 1064nm, with output power up to several hundred mW, says the company. The line generators are used in applications such as machine vision, consumer electronics and instrumentation.

Based in New Jersey, Princeton Optronics makes high power single and multi-mode VCSELs and VCSEL arrays, and VCSEL pumped solid state lasers. Its diverse range of products include the highest power (>200W CW and 1kW in QCW from a single 5x5mm array) and highest efficiency level (>63 percent) in the VCSEL industry. 

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