News Article

Pasternack announces bidirectional amp range up to 3GHz

Fast switching amplifiers suit UAVs, radar, military radio and satellite applications

Pasternack, a manufacturer and supplier of RF, microwave and millimeter wave products, has introduced a new line of bi-directional amplifiers that are used for sending and receiving radio signals in key applications such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), unmanned ground vehicles, L and S band radar, military radio, commercial air traffic control, weather and earth observation, satellites and high gain driver power amplifiers.

As well as two narrow band models that operate in L-Band (1.35 to 1.39 GHz) and S-Band (2.4 to 2.5 GHz), the range includes a general-purpose broadband model which covers 30 MHz to 3 GHz and uses Class A GaAs semiconductors.

Typical gain levels for these amplifiers range from 20 to 23 dB with ±0.5 dB gain flatness. The key advantage of these designs, says Pasternack, is fast switching capability (1µs typical) between Transmit  and Receive states where high output power is generated, while at the same time, the sensitive receiver section has a 2.5 dB noise figure and sufficient RF gain levels to maintain a high data rate link.

These models are designed for use in both military and commercial applications and are capable of supporting any signal type and modulation format, including but not limited to 3-4G telecom, WLAN, OFDM, DVB and CW/AM/FM.

"Pasternack's selection of in-stock bi-directional amplifiers exhibit fast transmit and receive switching capabilities, long transmission range and highly efficient operation which are critical for use in applications such as unmanned aerial vehicles and cellular networks," explains Tim Galla, active RF components product manager at Pasternack.

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