News Article

Custom MMIC announces new DC- 26GHz Switch

SPDT offers low insertion loss and high isolation

Custom MMIC, a developer of monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), has added a new single-pole-double-throw (SPDT) switch to its standard product portfolio - the CMD230. Its 1.4 dB insertion loss is claimed to be the company's lowest yet for an SPDT.

The CMD230 is a general-purpose, broadband, high-isolation reflective MMIC SPDT switch in die form. Covering DC to 26 GHz, it features low insertion loss of 1.4 dB, Input IP3 of 37dBm and high isolation of 40 dB at 13 GHz. The CMD230 operates using complementary control voltage logic lines of 0/-5 V and requires no bias supply. 

The CMD230 switch is pin-compatible with the now obsolete CSW0118 from Celeritek. Applications for the CMD230 include microwave radio, test instrumentation, and military radar/EW.

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