SETi and Psoria-Shield sign agreement on UVB Phototherapy
Electronic Technology Inc (SETi) has signed a long term agreement with Psoria-Shield Inc (PSI), a subsidiary of Wellness Center USA to further develop and provide the UV LED light source used in PSI's Psoria-Light (PL 1000) system. The development is based on increasing performance and reducing unit cost.
SETi plans to integrate its new high performance (308 nm) LED process that emits up to 2mW of UVB power at 20mA drive current in a new high power light source delivering over 400mW of optical power. This performance and associated price/performance improvements make SETi LEDs a compelling solution for UVB dermatology treatments.
PSI is an advanced phototherapy company that has developed, manufactures, and distributes the Psoria-Light phototherapy system. The PL 1000 uses targeted high dosage UV LEDs with both cost and safety benefits to that of a conventional excimer laser. The result is an FDA cleared, highly effective system that is simple to use and requires no special laser room, no laser certification or special operator qualifications.
"We believe the treatment and use of UVB LEDs will become the industry standard. The PL 1000 is highly portable and can be moved from room to room, with no special power requirements," Yorke added.
Emmanuel Lakios, president and CEO of SETi, added "similar improvements have been made to power, lifetime and price/performance to our other 230nm to 340nm LED wavelengths. Of particular market demand is our germicidal 275nm LEDs."
SETi now believes that along with the recent in-house increase in wafer capacity, the recent acquisition of Nitek and its strategic relationship with UVA LED leader Seoul Viosys, its LEDs are the most cost effective, highest performing products on the market and will experience high adoption rates in 2016.
"A major advantage of our LED based technology is its solid state reliability and reduced maintenance coupled with it being a class 2 product, which does not require a physician to clinically provide the treatment. It can be delivered by office staff and be in compliance with existing billing codes. This allows offices and doctors to be more efficient", stated John Yorke, managing director of Psoria Development Corp (PDC).