Soraa Supports new lighting Colour Test

GaN-on-GaN LED firm Soraa has announced its support for advances in colour science and the new TM-30 method released by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).
The TM-30 test was developed by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) to provide a more accurate indication of the colour rendition of an object. It does this by comparing the colour of the object under a test source (a LED lamp, for example) to those under a reference illuminant (a standard emitter such as idealised sunlight or filament bulb, depending on the CCT).
By doing so, the test will indicate if the colours under the test source are different from natural colours-providing a more precise indication of colour fidelity.
"IES's TM-30 method offers significant progress over the CRI," said Soraa chief scientist Aurelien David, who served as a lead technical contributor for the new TM-30 method.
"For customers, TM-30 will provide better insight in to how the colours of a light source compare to colours under natural light. And for manufacturers, the information found under TM-30-combined with other aspects of colour science-will be key for developing better products and optimising the trade-off between colour rendition and other criteria of light quality," he added
TM-30 distinguishes itself from the CRI test in two ways. First, it uses the latest colour science to test a light source's colour rendition of more colour samples, which will preclude the inaccurate predictions of rendering seen with the CRI - in particular for narrow-band sources. Second, it provides users with more information: the colour fidelity index Rf is now complemented by a colour gamut index Rg and by a colour vector graphic, which further characterise the appearance of colours.
Soraa has added information about TM-30 on its website and Aurelien David will be posting a series of blogs explaining and evaluating the new TM-30 method throughout March.