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VI Systems to report on 100 Gbit/s VCSEL transmission

Company to reveal details of single channel data transmission tests at ECOC 2016

At the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2016) in September, VI Systems and research partner Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) have announced that they will present an update on 100 Gbit/s single channel data transmission over multimode fibre using an 850nm VCSEL. 

Details of the data transmission tests will be presented in a paper called: 'Up to 108 Gb/s PAM 850nm Multi and Single Mode VCSEL Transmission over 100m of Multi-Mode Fibre'.

Earlier this month, the company announced it joined the German fastbits project to develop single channel 100 Gbit/s single channel transceiver.

The fastbits project aims to develop a CMOS based electro-optical transceiver on a single-chip with the capability to transmit 112 Gbit/s per single VCSEL.  By using a novel approach the target is to reduce the latency to a minimum while allowing the maximum transmission distance over multimode fibre, compact size and a small energy consumption.

VI Systems will provide ultra-high speed VCSELs and will support the photodetector and the electronics development as well the packaging design.

VI Systems was selected by the advisory board of the German FAST (fast actuators sensors & transceivers) scheme to join the development project. Funded by the Germany Ministry of Education and Research, FAST aims to accelerate the real-time capability of complex networks with sensor and actuator systems to achieve milliseconds system latency.

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