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HyperSolar appoints John Stickney as Scientific Advisor

Thin film and compound semiconductor specialist to guide hydrogen production development

HyperSolar, a Santa Barbara-based developer of technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water, has appointed John Stickney of the University of Georgia to the role of scientific advisor to the company as it seeks to scale its hydrogen production technology.

John Stickney's current research group studies and grows thin film materials, many of which are compound semiconductors, including compounds used for photovoltaics.

HyperSolar's research is focused on developing a low-cost and submersible hydrogen production nanoparticle that can split water molecules under the sun, emulating the core functions of photosynthesis. Each particle is a complete hydrogen generator that contains a novel high voltage solar cell bonded to chemical catalysts by a proprietary encapsulation coating.

Stickney will provide experience and guidance in further developing the synthesis of the high quality semiconductor materials that serve as critical components in the hydrogen production device for absorbing sun light and efficiently converting light energy into charge carriers for the production of hydrogen.

This will entail developing chemistries for electrodeposition of chalcogenide semiconductors on different surfaces, such as metals, metal oxides, and other semiconductors.

He will also share strategies for using his UGA developed electrochemical-atomic layer deposition (EC-ALD) technique, a methodology used academically and industrially worldwide for fabricating high quality single crystalline thin film deposits.

Stickney will also participate in meetings and analysis as needed to progressively strengthen HyperSolar's quality of technologies under development. This will include initiating strategies, and sharing insights and ideas from a third point-of-view on the quality improvement of materials for hydrogen production. He will also collaborate on the applicability of manufacturing techniques for commercial application.

"We are pleased to add professor Stickney to our scientific team that includes collaboration from leading universities and scientific professionals from around the country," said Tim Young, CEO of HyperSolar.

"His experience in fabricating high quality semiconductor materials will bolster the efficiency and ability to reduce the cost of HyperSolar's proprietary process and technology. We look forward to his leadership, collaboration, and expertise as we continue to further develop the potential for company technology to produce completely renewable hydrogen at or near the point of distribution."

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