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EPC Space adds 40V Rad Hard GaN Power chips


Ultra-low on-resistance transistor targets power conversion solutions in critical spaceborne and other high reliability environments

EPC Space announces the introduction of EPC7019G, a 40 V, 4 mΩ, 530 Apulsed, radiation-hardened GaN transistor that is lower in cost and is a more efficient solution than the nearest comparable radiation hardened (RH) silicon MOSFET. The EPC7019G has a total dose rating greater than 1 Mrad and SEE immunity for LET of 85 MeV/(mg/cm2). These devices come packaged in a new compact hermetic package with dual gate in a footprint less than 45 mm2. Chip-scale versions of this device are available from EPC.

With higher breakdown strength, lower gate charge, lower switching losses, better thermal conductivity, and lower on-resistance, power devices based on GaN significantly outperform silicon-based devices and enable higher switching frequencies resulting in higher power densities, higher efficiencies, and more compact and lighter weight circuitry for critical spaceborne missions.

Applications benefiting from the performance of these products include power supplies for satellites and space mission equipment, motor drives for robotics, instrumentation and reaction wheels, and deep space probes.

“The EPC7019G is the lowest on-resistance of any packaged rad hard transistor currently on the market,” said Bel Lazar, CEO of EPC Space. “This device offers a mission-critical component with superior figure of merit, significantly smaller size, and lower cost for the space and other high-reliability markets than alternative rad hard silicon solutions.”

500 units pricing of $212 each for engineering models and $315 each for space level grade.

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